Terms and Conditions


  • Nominees must be an Aboriginal Medical Service or General Practice with a current accreditation that meets the minimum Standards, as outlined by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). These accreditations are gained through the accreditation agencies outlined by the RACGP here. Nominees must also have an active software licence with Pen CS.
  • Nominations can be submitted by an authorised representative from either the Primary Health Networks, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, Research Organisations, Aboriginal Medical Services and or General Practices.
  • Self-nominations will be accepted.
  • Nominees must be an Australian resident and or Australian owned organisation.
  • The awards will only recognise programs of work that were first launched between July 2023 and June 2024.

Award Nomination Processes

  • Applications must be submitted only through the Pen CS Awards online application form.
  • Nominators are only allowed to nominate organisations once per award category. If a nominator requests to nominate the same organisation for another award category, they must have substantial difference with their nomination question responses in order to be accepted.
  • Only completed application forms received between Thursday 1 August 2024 to Monday 30 September 2024 will be accepted. Pen CS will take no responsibility for lost, late, incomplete or incorrectly submitted applications.
  • Nominees agree that Pen CS may request further documentation and information following that they have been declared finalists and or winners. These may include but are not limited to a headshot(s) of the nominee(s), team photo(s) and their organisation logo.
  • All applications require current contact details of the nominator and nominee as well as responses to all nomination questions.
  • Nominators/Nominees must select one award category per application. However, at the time of reviewing the applications, Pen CS may choose a different award category for the nomination if deemed suitable by the judging committee.
  • Image files must be JPEG, PNG, Word Doc or PDF files. Maximum file size is 5MB per piece.
  • Word limits must be strictly adhered to concerning the nomination question responses.
  • Applications on behalf of organisations, groups or partnerships must elect a primary contact to be responsible for receiving and administering award funds.

Judging and Selection

  • Pen CS will convene an internal judging committee to assess all entries for each award category.
  • The judging assessment will be based on the nomination question responses and the decisions of the judging committee are final.
  • Pen CS may contact the nominator for further information if necessary and or to request details of a referee that can verify any statements made in the nomination question responses.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • All information provided to Pen CS in the application form will only be disclosed to the judging committee and appropriate staff of Pen CS. However, if made a finalist and or winner, the information the nominee provided in their application will be used in the procedures of the award ceremony.
  • Nominators and or nominees may be requested to complete a media consent form as a finalist and or winner of an award.
  • All finalists and or winners who are contacted prior to the ceremony must keep the decision made by the judging committee confidential until the winners are announced by Pen CS.

Award Prize

  • The award prize is to be administered to the elected contact of the nominee during or following the ceremony. The cash prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if the elected representative uses it wrongfully.
  • Each cash prize is not transferable to another person, unless agreed to by Pen CS.


  • Due to the unpredictable nature of current global events relating to COVID-19, Pen CS hold no responsibility of any ramifications in the event of a postponement or change in format of the award ceremony.

Media Consent

  • All award recipients and ceremony guests are to agree to themselves being photographed in the duration of the award ceremony and to have such material included in publicity activities undertaken by Pen CS in relation to the Pen CS Awards. Publicity activities are but are not limited to, publication on Pen CS communication channels or any other publishing media.
  • Images received in the application forms will be used for promotion of the Pen CS Awards by Pen CS.
  • By submitting an application form to the Pen CS Awards, both the nominator and nominee accept to applications being used at Pen CS’ discretion for promotional purposes including but not limited to Pen CS news articles, press releases, and case studies.